Cleantecs solar panel cleaning equipment cleaning solar panel photovoltaic system

Solar Panel Cleaning Equipment

A Solar panel is not self-cleaning and the rain alone is not sufficient to wash away dust and dirt that becomes deposited on the surface.  

Kränzle South Africa supplies high-quality solar panel cleaning equipment manufactured by Cleantecs in Germany.  Contractors around the world trust the SOLA-TECS solar panel cleaning equipment as it is the most efficient way of cleaning solar panels and photovoltaic systems.

Most solar experts recommend that solar panels are given a thorough clean at least twice a year as this has been proven to improve the energy output generated by the panels.   A larger problem can be bird droppings that contain uric acid causing an etch into the panel resulting in an irreparable and also causing what is called a hotspot on the panel.   

Dirt on panels can be caused by rain, dust, and/or bird droppings and this negatively affects the electric generation ability. Cleaning solar panels regularly is therefore recommended to ensure your investment is operating at optimum levels.  A dirty solar panel or photovoltaic system can lose up to 30% of its power generation ability or even become ineffective or damaged if not maintained correctly.  Cleaning may be required more regularly in outlying, agricultural or industrial areas where dust is more common. 

The SOLA-TECS range is more suited to the professional contractor cleaning larger volumes of solar panels operating in the solar sector but we also have options to supply a quality product to the home user.

Before cleaning using tap water, it is always recommended to test municipal or borehole water for a TDS (Total dissolved solids) reading, to ensure the level present in the water.  Should one use water with a high TDS reading, it could result in those solids being left behind on the panel.  This may not be immediately noticeable, but can over time cause a layer to form that can negatively affect the generating power of the solar cell.  

Industry standards recommend using water that has been passed through a reverse osmosis filter and/or deionized to ensure a high cleaning result with no residue being left on the panel.  The use of chemicals for cleaning is also generally frowned upon.

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